Base de connaissances: ESET Entreprises > ESET Protect / ESMC
Mise à jour Agent ESET 6.5 ou 7 vers la version 8
Publié par Mehdi H, Last modified by Mehdi H sur 21 janvier 2021 12:12 PM
  • You have upgraded your ERA 6.5 or ESMC 7.x product to the latest version of ESET PROTECT 8.x, but the computers managed by ESET PROTECT are still running an earlier Agent version, as shown in the Web Console DashboardESET applicationsOutdated Applications



  1. Open the ESET PROTECT Web Console.

  2. Click Tasks NewClient Task.
Figure 1-1
  1. Type a task Name, select ESET PROTECT Components Upgrade from the Task drop-down menu and click Settings.
Figure 1-2
  1. Select the check boxes next to I accept the terms of the application End User License Agreement and acknowledge the Privacy Policy and Automatically reboot when needed and click Choose server.


Figure 1-3

  1. Select the check box next to the latest version of ESET PROTECT Server and click OK.
Figure 1-4
  1. Click Finish to create the Client Task and click Create Trigger.
Figure 1-5
  1. Click TargetAdd Groups.
Figure 1-6
  1. Under Groups, select the check box next to All and click OK.
Figure 1-7
  1. Click Finish to apply the Client Task to all managed computers. The task may take longer to complete, depending on the Agent replication interval. After the task completes on all computers, ESET Management Agent on all managed computers is updated to the latest version (8.x).
Figure 1-8
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